Monday, October 25, 2010

Pictures from Pirate Party 3

Pictures from Pirate Party 2

Pictures from Pirate Party

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tiny Rainbow Socks

Today, I took the long route around the inside of Target. It's a bad habit I've developed the last few years. Wandering around mostly aimlessly in some of my free time while looking at the clearance isles to see what great bargins I can find for the house, or myself. Today however, I went the long long way around...

Walking straight ahead through the double doors and into the women's clothing department, I found a gray button-up shirt that was only $10. But I talked myself out of it. No need to spend $10 when I could save it instead. Then I wandered through the shoe section and marveled at how high heals could actually get and that women choose to wear them everyday. Moving into the lingerie department I marveled at very colorful bras on sale. Only $6 each! But I talked myself out of them and mosied on...

Right into the infant and toddler section.

Internally "oohing" and "awing" at the tiny jumpsuits and sweaters recently set out, I decided to price check how much baby stuff really is since people often complain about expenses when they have new borns. I stopped and looked at the prices of various high chairs, cribs, strollers and car seats. I smiled at the moms with their happy little ones in buggies and waved as tiny faces looked at me. I decided that Josh and I are definitely having kids in a few years and then I saw them. The tiny rainbow socks so obviously made for a newborn girl. Only a dollar. I picked them up and grinned stupidly at their insane smallness. Tiny rainbow socks made for a newborn girl for only a dollar. Silly as it was, I put them in my basket and bought them.

I definitely want kids. As bad as times can be, I think of mine and my mom's relationship and the childhood years of dress up, Barbie's, and sibling fights and I know it's worth it. One day, Josh will be a great dad and I will be a great mom.