You know you're a parent when:
* Baby things cover your house, car and person.
Babies are so cute. Most of the time. Like when they are sleeping. But you forget the massive amounts of stuff they come with that just accumulates until you think your house will disappear. Even if you buy the bare minimum of items, you still end up with clothes, toys and play gyms all over your living room. And more clothes and bath items in their bathroom and your bathroom. And a mini-van packed down with more clothes, toys, a stroller, baby carrier, car seats, blankets, a beach towel, sunscreen/bug spray, and the fully stocked diaper bag. Plus you will also have at least a burp cloth on your shoulder if not a lovey and pacifier in your hands as well. And don't forget the baby! Or two!
* When leaving the house you have absolutely EVERYTHING your kids could POSSIBLY need, but forget your own wallet.
Let's go back to the "stuff" list above. You've got it all right? Sippy cups? Diaper bag? Ergo? Paci? Extra paci? Snack? Burp cloths? Keys? Kids?! Great! Hop in the car, drive all the way to Target, unload everyone/thing, get into the store and realize you don't have your wallet. Just go home and stay there. It took so much effort and time to get out of the house and to Target you're worn out and you've missed the "happy window" where each child is content anyway. Epic fail.
*You can clean your whole house in 45 minutes.
Guess what? Your relatives just called and they want to come visit the babies. They are stopping by the store but will be there in an hour or so. RUN! Leave the baby crying and book it to the pile of dishes in the sink from last night. Forget washing them, just toss everything into the dishwasher. Clutter makes the house look it's worst so like lightning grab everything within reach and toss it in the general direction it should be in. Husbands socks and shoes? Closet. Toys toys toys? Toy bin! You get the idea, just throw it! Speedy vacuum the rugs and spray some Febreze! And don't forget to change out of your pjs and slap some eyeliner on! (Remember, no one cleans house like a Mama in a hurry!)
* You wake your sleeping baby to make sure they are ok.
Let me start with, NEVER wake a sleeping baby! They hate it and you will pay dearly. However, we've all been there. The SIDS scare. The heart-stopping moment your child sleeps like 5 straight hours and you know it when you wake in panic and realize the time. They didn't wake up to feed in the middle of the night. Panic grips you and you want to rush to them but are also completely paralyzed in fear that they won't be ok. Time moves so slowly as you inhale, exhale and bend over their bassinet and place a hand to their chest. That damn startle reflex! You both jump in complete shock and the baby's arms fling out and she starts screaming. Yeap, she's good. Forget you just aged five years in two minutes.
* Sugar is your worst enemy and caffeine is your best friend.
Sugar in a tiny human who isn't used to sugar is just bad. Like that trick with a coke bottle and antacids. Boom! You can see it come into their eyes before they start actually bouncing around the house and giggling like a looney toon on Saturday morning. And a tiny dose lasts a looonnnggg time and when they crash, they crash hard. Ironically, caffeine in large doses is the only way you are alive right now let alone chasing after your tiny human.
* You've hidden candy/chocolate/cookies from your kids and forget where you have them.
"Iight iight!" It haunts my dreams. My chocolate dreams that is. That's Addison's version of "I want!" She's old enough now to know that if you are enjoying it, she should be too so we've gotten extra sneaky with sugar in this house. Occasionally, she will get a bite of an Oreo or Daddy's ice cream but sugar is the devil so we have to hide it from tiny wanting hands... "Honey, where did the mini Hershey bars go?"
* You grab a booger with your bare fingers.
Yes. I've done it, Josh has done it. We aren't entirely proud of this fact, but there isn't always a tissue and young kids don't know how to "blow" yet so there you are. When you can see the booger, don't waste time. And I'll have you know, Josh is the booger-getting king. Both the kids in this house have the cleanest noses you'll ever encounter. Hopefully you don't encounter too many.
* You sniff your baby's butt in public with no shame.
Sad to say but until Addison was about 5 months old, this was Josh's go-to method of checking to see if she was...let's say "dirty". You might think this is 100% appalling, but to Josh, it was a survival technique honed from too many incidents of sticking his finger into the diaper to pull it back and look, only to stick his finger directly into baby poo. Of course then he would call me and I'd have to come handle it while he ran to wash his hands. If I'm honest, he did this at least once a day for the first 2 months of her life until he started the sniffing. Personally, I always thought once he was dirty, he should just man up, wipe it off and continue changing her. I mean, why did we both need to be involved when he was clearly the one who went horribly wrong in this changing experience? *Sigh*
* Poop is your world. Literally.
Never ever in a million years did you think you would be so involved in someone else's bodily functions. I mean jeez, we talk about it, clean it, smell it, wait for it, dread it, inspect it...Gross gross gross! If your marriage can survive this phase, you're solid. Cheers for potty training to end this topic in our house!
What would you add to the list? You know you're a parent when...