Oh Daddy, My Baby Daddy. As Addison's second birthday is only days away, it's time to celebrate. Captain Joshua Graham, that is. My amazing husband and the father of my darling girls. Some firefighters used to call him Beaker. Yeah, Beaker like on The Muppets. I have NO CLUE how that started up. He was Beaker before I knew him. He was a firefighter before we met you know. Through our relationship, he has gone from being a great friend, the best boyfriend, a sweet husband, to the best father I know. Joshua is 100% for his girls, our girls. He has been there with me as a parent since I tackled him mid-way on the stairs with the pregnancy test in my hand, giant grin on his face (for Addison). We took a walk 3 days later to Target and they happened to be having a big sale in the baby section so Josh ran home for the car and later that day set up the crib.
He went to every single doctor appointment with me. He held my hair as I puked, even when I swung at him and yelled because I hate when people watch me puke. He made me eat healthy and not bounce in the waves at the beach. He stayed over in the hospital with me 3 nights before Addison was even born because I went into early labor. He forced me to stay on bed rest when it was ordered and walked the block all night long when I wanted to once I was cleared. He was the first person to hold Addison and then supported us both while I held her. (My arm was tingling and numb from meds and the odd angle but I didn't want to let her go.)
Addison Jo Ann Graham ~ born Sept. 20, 2012 @ 1:41pm
5lbs 11oz, 18in
While we were still in the hospital he controlled the visitors for us, changed diapers since I couldn't get out of bed for 24 hours and when we discovered Addison was too little to nurse easily, he syringe fed her while I pumped and cried. For 3 days.
Once we were home he continued to help in anyway he could and took over middle of the night changes so I could get up to pee, get a drink and get situated to nurse. Because of the hormones, I wanted to kill him in his sleep but at least he was making himself valuable right? ;)
Once again he dove into the appointments, now with baby care, with gusto. Joshua, Addison and I went to them all together to hear Loralei's beautiful heartbeat and measure her growth. We found out Loralei was a girl the day before Addison's 1st birthday then celebrated our first baby girl turning 1! It was a great weekend!
A few months after that in November we moved and while I packed the whole house and Joshua literally only packed ONE BOX, when moving day rolled around he was a rock star. We enjoyed the holidays in our new home and awaited our new little girl to grace the world with her presence. Josh tolerated 3 more overnights in the hospital and another round of bed rest when I had early labor again. I was cleared and we took maternity photos only a few days before Loralei arrived.
Labor contractions started the morning of January 19th but we went grocery shopping anyway. By lunch I knew it was real but I was going no where until I made real progress. Josh was super worried about this. It was all he could do not to push me into the car. Once I finally conceded at dinnertime, he raced to the hospital and we waited. He held my hand as the doctor talked to us explaining the risks of VBAC and then again hours later when she delivered the sad news that Loralei wasn't coming down and I was still only 1cm. He was very supportive as we walked across the hall and couldn't wait to get back to his hand over mine as our second baby girl came into our lives. I got to hold her first this time but Joshua dove right back into the diaper changes all night and was more supportive than a pair of Spanx. We had 2 girls.
Loralei Ruth Graham ~ born Jan. 20, 2014 @ 1:21am
7lbs 11oz, 21in
When we were able to come home with Loralei after 2 additional nights in the hospital, Josh jumped right in caring for both the girls as much as he could. I was healing from my second c-section.
We have survived because he is our support system. Literally and figuratively. I am normally the upbeat and positive one but when I falter, and I do, he has always said, "It'll be ok." Sometimes it's made me want to smother him in his sleep, but it's true. It will be ok, because I can lean on him when I need to and so can our girls. He is the best man I know. Joshua, I love you and I know our girls love you.
Did I mention he just got promoted and is in college right now too?? No? Well he did and he is... Like I said, he's awesome. 😉
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