Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Poem

Today in poetry we learned about Sestina poems where a poet uses the same words at the end of a line in various patterns through-out the poem. I thought I'd take a swing at it and I think it turned out pretty cool. To write something like this you have to keep circling around with the same topics but it still has to tell some sort of story and make sense. They say you should write what you know so I did. Here it is. Also, I should mention that I am currently reading Virgina Woolfe (a type of feminist) so that had a minor impact on the theme. ;)

Education 3-30-10

Sometimes I tire of going to school
Spending days, hours, wasting my time
Reading about feminists and their books
Scribbling down essay after essay
When I’d rather use beautiful words
And spend hours alone just writing.

All day I’d sit comfortably and write
Under some tree instead of in school
And use my own wonderful words
To make every second of my time
More important than some essay
About a feminist’s angry book.

One day I hope to publish a book
So every thought I carefully write
Practicing grammar in my essays
While I spend days, hours, in school
Patiently abiding my precious time
And drawing on paper magical words.

Emotion marked with passionate words
Could form an educational book
That would hold still all of time
So I carefully scratch and write
About the importance of schools
For yet another English class essay.

The necessity of all kinds of essays
Is to learn about many types of words –
While studying studiously in school –
And the variety of uses in books,
So women have the ability to write
Since they are educated about their time.

Countless hours and amounts of time
Are taken to make perfect an essay –
Considered the best piece of writing,
The spectacular use of intelligent words –
In hopes it will someday become a book
And teach women everything in school.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Life Update

Hello All!
It's been a while so I thought I'd give an update and let y'all know what's going on in our lives lately now that we are within two months til the wedding (58 days). Well...
* Josh is getting promoted to Engineer from Firefighter since he has now completed all the required classes and is just simply awesome. Small pay increase and tons more of responsibility which makes him nervous, but I know he can do it. The only thing he's worried about is giving commands because when the Captains aren't there, Engineer's are in charge. Yay for Josh!
* I started work this weekend back on Isle of Palms Police Dept. Mostly just driving around right now, we don't enforce the meters til April, but with the nice weather, people are out and about. Jealous because I was planning on laying with them but receiving a paycheck is just as nice. :)
* Marley and Cooper are in training. Their next lesson is Tuesday, March 23rd and so far it's been working. We have to work with them everyday as much as possible with barking, sitting/staying/coming on command and food with Cooper too.
* Wedding plans are moving. Everything I can do is pretty much done right now. I pick up my dress on April 2nd and have to turn my ring over to Josh to be welded to the wedding band in time for it to be returned for the ceremony. Josh, Katie and Ryan have to have their dresses and suites fitted soon, shoes need to be bought and some things paid for but most of it needs to be done at a certain time.
That's all I can think of right now but know I've been thinking about all of you and I get more excited for the wedding as the days go by because I get to see you! :D

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Even More Art!

More photos of more works!

More Art Drawings

Thought maybe everyone might want to know about my progress in my drawing class so here's a bunch more photos of my recent works. Hope you like! :) (Sorry I can only post 5 at a time.)